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Ms. Karlease M. Smalls
Connectional Coordinator of YAMS



Ages 22-40



“With hearts and hands: We reach up to God for strength and direction, We reach out to love and touch others, We reach down to lift fallen humanity.” 



Peach (loyalty, blood, charity) and Taupe (sorrow, joy and glory) 



“Our Promise, Praise and Petition” 



The purpose of this department is to: 

Unite women, ages 22–40, of the A. M. E. Zion Church for mission service in the church and community. Among the prime objectives will be social concerns such as child abuse, teenage pregnancies, drug dependency, world hunger, etc.

Provide an opportunity for the personal and individual Christian growth of members.

Provide an opportunity for Christian witness through the use of their time, talent, and treasure to support the mission.

Provide experiences that will enable Young Adult Missionaries to perpetuate the existence and continued growth of the Women’s Home and Overseas Missionary Society, the A. M. E. Zion Church, and the kingdom of God.


Programs for the Young Adult Missionary Society are as follows:


A. SPF Technique (Supplemental Material)   Download SPF Technique Booklet Phase I

The SPF (Spiritual, Physical/Emotional, and Financial) Technique is an assessment, life-balancing and wellness program, designed to help individuals gain personal insight into their state of spiritual, physical, and financial wellness.

The goals of this program are to: 1) assess the strengths and weaknesses of the individual’s wellness in their lives 2) encourage changes in ones lifestyle to increase growth in the areas of weakness and 3) provide for spiritual, physical and financial wellness.


B. Establish local P3s (Prayer-Praise Parties)   Download YAMS P3 Party Flyer

The P3 is a worship experience that will allow the YAMS to focus on the second component of our theme which is “Prayer and Fasting”. YAMS will be encouraged to fast for seven (7) hours before the worship experience takes place. When the group gathers together, one hour will be spent in prayer with the following hour being spent in fellowship and praise. During this time, the members will eat and discuss topics of interest (i.e. The SPF Technique, the Bible Study lesson or Testimonies) which is the praise component.


C. Minister to a Battered Women’s Shelter or a Homeless Shelter for Women and Children within the local community


D. HIV/AIDS Awareness with focus on the Prayer Vigil and raising of funds for HIV/AIDS Awareness (Funds raised to be sent to the General Society)

Funds submitted to WH&OMS for HIV/AIDS Awareness will be acknowledged at the Quadrennial Convention during the YAMS Program

E. Local or District YAMS Retreat   Download YAMS Retreat Agenda Format





Greetings my Missionary Sisters, 


I am so excited to share with each of you the final YAMS Founders' Day program to be created under my tenure. It has truly been a pleasure to work with each of you. 


I would like to let you know that we have averaged $5,000 for every outreach project that we have endeavored to do and we want to do even more for our final outreach project. As many of you know, our goal is to raise $10,000 for HIV/AIDS awareness. This can only be done with all of us working together. At the Quadrennial Convention, I would like to award our donation to an agency that is continuing to fight against this disease. Please find attached a copy of a YAMS Brochure to share with YAMS and other interested parties. You can also download a copy of the YAMS suggested program(s) here. 


Please begin to collect pictures for the YAMS celebration to be held on Monday, July 27, 2015 at the site of the convention in Orlando, Florida. (All photo submissions for my report must be submitted by January 1, 2015) 


Registration and hotel information can be found on our website: We are expecting to see a great turn out of YAMS in the place; begin preparations NOW to bring as many YAMS as possible! 


Please contact me with any questions or concerns. I pray that God continue to bless the work of your hands as we reach up to God for strength and direction, we reach out to love and touch others, and we reach down to lift fallen humanity. 



Sisterly yours, 


Dawn Walker 

General YAMS Coordinator

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