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  1. Day 1Matthew 1-3

  2. Day 2Matthew 4-6

  3. Day 3Matthew 7-9

  4. Day 4Matthew 10-Matthew 12

  5. Day 5Take a Break

  6. Day 6Matthew 13-Matthew 14

  7. Day 7Matthew 15-Matthew 16

  8. Day 8Matthew 17-Matthew 18

  9. Day 9Matthew 19-Matthew 20

  10. Day 10Matthew 21-Matthew 22

  11. Day 11Matthew 23-Matthew 24

  12. Day 12Take a Break

  13. Day 13Matthew 25-Matthew 26

  14. Day 14Matthew 27-Matthew 28

  15. Day 15Mark 1-Mark 3

  16. Day 16Mark 4-Mark 6

  17. Day 17Mark 7-Mark 9

  18. Day 18Mark 10-Mark 12

  19. Day 19Take a Break

  20. Day 20Mark 13-Mark 14

  21. Day 21Mark 15-Mark 16

  22. Day 22Luke 1-Luke 3

  23. Day 23Luke 4-Luke 6

  24. Day 24Luke 7-Luke 9

  25. Day 25Luke 10-Luke 12

  26. Day 26Take a Break

  27. Day 27Luke 13-Luke 14

  28. Day 28Luke 15-Luke 16

  29. Day 29Luke 17-Luke 18

  30. Day 30Luke 19-Luke 20

  31. Day 31Luke 21-Luke 22

  32. Day 32Luke 23-Luke 24

  33. Day 33Take a Break

  34. Day 34John 1-John 2

  35. Day 35John 3-John 4

  36. Day 36John 5-John 6

  37. Day 37John 7-John 8

  38. Day 38John 9-John 10

  39. Day 39John 11-John 12

  40. Day 40Take a Break

  41. Day 41John 13-John 14

  42. Day 42John 15-John 16

  43. Day 43John 17-John 18

  44. Day 44John 19-John 20

  45. Day 45John 21

  46. Day 461 Corinthians 15

  47. Day 47It's Easter!!!

As Christians Followers of the Lamb this is one of the most sacred times in the Christian Calendar year.  We have observed Ash Wednesday when we showed the mark of the cross and honor our Lord and Savior.  We mark our forehead with ashes to show we are repentant of our sins, we bow in sackcloth and ashes because we are from the dust and lowly and are humbled before an awesome God.  We are now in the time of Lent when we give up something to show we honor the sacrifice The Lord  made for us.  For 40 days and 40 nights Jesus suffered and fasted and prayed in preparation the journey for the work that would lead to the cross. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and mind and soul, and then take up your cross and follow Him.

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